Sermon Notes September 24th

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Sunday, September 24, 2023
Being Salt and Light
Matthew 5:13-16

I. Danger of Losing our Flavor (Salt)
“…but if the salt should lose its taste…” v. 13
A. How can salt lose its taste?
1. We lose our quality of Christ-likeness when we live for the
____________________, not the ________________________
2. Impurities of this world will steal our __________________ and

B. What happens when salt loses its quality (flavor)?
1. It’s no longer good for anything
2. Lost its-
a. __________________
b. __________________
3. This is a picture of a ___________________________________
4. Why am I ___________________?

C. Judgement of God
“…thrown out and trampled under people’s feet”
1. God’s ________________________ upon flavorless salt
a. _____________________
b. _____________________
c. _____________________
d. ________________________
2. Trampled means __________________________________

II. Danger of Losing our Light (v. 14-16)
A. Light is _________ to be hid
1. II Corinthians 4:3
2. Who is it that hid the light? _____________________________
3. It’s hid from the ______________
B. Danger of not being light
“…that they may see your good works and give glory to God”
1. Experience the ___________________________________
2. Give God the ___________________

Conclusion: How can we be “Salt & Light”? Vision, Pray, Plan
Gym renovations: roof, heat & air, enlarge kitchen, floor