Sermon Notes Feb 25th 2025

Livelystonesbc   -  

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Greatest Fish Story Ever Told

Jonah 1:17; 2:1-10


  1. Jonah’s __________________________ (v. 1-7)
  2. ______________________ of my sin
  3. ______________________ of my sin
  4. _______________ change
  5. He prays for ________________________ (v. 1-2)
  6. Prays to the “_______________ his ________”
  7. His prayer was born out of ________________, not _____________
  8. _________________ of his discipline (v. 1-6)
  9. Great fish was prepared by ____________ (v. 6b-8)
  10. Repentance involves:
  11. _____________________- “I am a sinner”
  12. _____________________- “sorry for my sin”
  13. ___________________ change- “look to Your holy temple”


  1. Jonah’s Redemption (v. 7-9)
  2. Receiving the ____________________________________
  3. God ________________________ the fellowship with Him
  4. Price to be _______________ for our sin
  5. “I remembered _______________________” (v. 7)

Trials develop a number of things in our lives:

  1. _____________________________________
  2. _____________________________________
  3. _____________________________________
  4. _____________________________________
  5. Jonah receives the ________________ of God (v. 9)
  6. Notice the change that repentance and redemption 

brought to Jonah’s life:

  1. ______________________ to you
  2. ______________________ worthless idols
  3. Voice of ___________________________
  4. Involved worship of the heart & mind
  5. Decision to _____________________
  6. ______________________________
  7. _______________________ of praise
  8. _________________- expression of thanksgiving

III. Resurrection (v. 9b-10)

Means: new __________________________ and new ______________

  1. Resurrection is deliverance from __________ and the ___________
  2. Jonah is now going to receive God’s __________________________
  3. Begins with the promise of ______________________________
  4. Proclamation that our deliverance ________________________
  5. Resurrected Jonah is ____________________ up on dry land (v. 10)
  6. Resurrection of the dead (I Thess. 4:13-18)