Sermon Notes April 14th

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Sunday, April 14, 2024
The Greatest Revival in History

Jonah 3:1-3

The entire city repents. Asking God to revive His people, David said in
Psalm 85:6, “Wilt Thou not revive us ________________: that Thy
people may ____________________ in Thee?”
The Biblical formula for revival is found in II Chronicles 7:14
I. ______________________ of God- “Get Up and Go!”
A. ________________________ involved:
1. ________________________
2. ________________ God’s message
3. ____________ of God; always God’s desire to save people
B. __________________- “arose and went” (v. 3)
1. Fear of God’s ________________ and ________________
can motivate us in a lot of ways
C. Jonah’s message- ____________________________ (v. 4)
1. _________________________ to repent of perish
2. Repentance (Mark 1:15; Luke 13:5)
D. Jonah’s message was one of _______________________
1. Gave a verse for him to look up- James 5:17
2. Where does judgement need to begin for revival to break
out? (I Peter 4:17)
3. Revival begins with __________
4. There may be a great ______________________ of God’s
people so there will be a “_________________________”

II. _________________ by Belief and Repentance (v. 5-10)
A. ____________________ of the message (v. 5)
1. They believed __________; took it ___________________
2. God uses, controls the universe
3. People showed their repentance of sorrow for
their sin by proclaiming a ___________________________
4. Fasting thoughts:
a. To gain ______________________________________
b. To seek God’s will on a __________________________

c. To have a concern for ___________________________
d. To experience deliverance or _____________________
e. To learn _________________
f. To express ____________________________________
B. _________________________ upon the Lord’s mercy (v. 9)
C. ____________________________ of God (v. 10)
Will God look down upon you and see your ____________ has
changed toward Him?

Conclusion: What have we learned?
1. Let’s be ______________________ with the message that
God has given to us
2. Good dose of _____________________ can help motivate
us to do God’s will
3. Revival begins with __________