Sermon Notes 5/12

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Sunday, May 12, 2024
Mother’s Day 2024
I Samuel 1-2

Introduction: Did you know that baby dedications are biblical?
1. ________________________ was to dedicate your child to
the Lord (especially the first-born)
2. In I Samuel 1-2, we see Hannah making a ______________
3. In the New Testament, Paul tells us that we dedicate our
children to the Lord in _____________________________
___________________________________ (Ephesians 6:4)

I. The Story of Hannah- the Mother of Dedication
A. Elkanah- the man with two wives: _______________________
B. Sacrifices at the tabernacle
1. Every year, Elkanah would go to Shiloh to ______________
2. Elkanah gave _____________________________________
3. Elkanah gave bigger _______________________________
C. Hannah’s prayer for a child
1. “Remember me, _________________________________”
2. “Remember my __________________________________”
3. “Give me a ___________”
4. She made a vow- “I will give him ____________________”
5. Eli the priest hears her weeping and __________________
6. Eli gives her a blessing that _________________________
D. Hannah’s triumphant _______________ and ______________
1. A child is born- a son named ___________________
2. Hannah visited ___________________________________
3. God blesses her with ______________________________

II. Principles of Hannah’s Life
A. ____________________ woman
1. ________________________ for your children (Eph. 6:12)

2. Need is for prayer, ________________________________
3. ______________________ for praying moms!
a. Spends time on their ___________________________
b. Pleads for their _____________________
c. Requests for their ___________________
B. ____________________ woman
1. We see genuine ________________
2. Her faith was __________________ to:
a. Her ____________ b. Her ___________ (Peninnah)
c. _______________ d. ________________________
3. Faith is evident in keeping her vow to the Lord
4. Will you keep your _______________________________?
C. _______________________ woman
1. Her song involved:
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________
f. _____________________________________________
g. _____________________________________________
2. Her worship was contagious