Sermon Notes 5/26/2024

Livelystonesbc   -  

Sunday, May 26, 2024
We Are Conquerors
Romans 8:31-39

Introduction: In verse 37, Paul says, “We are more than ________________
Conqueror means _______________________________________________

I. God is for Us (v. 31)
A. Meaning:
1. Matthew 28:20- __________________________________
2. Celebrate the ___________________
3. Contend for the _________________
4. Put on the _______________________________________
5. Give God the _______________________
B. Romans 8:31
1. “These things” refers _________________ (Rom. 8:28-30)
2. God is working on our behalf
3. Each day we __________________________________________
C. Verse 32 proves the point of verse 31
1. “Freely gives”- ________________________________________
D. Verses of reassurance:
1. Isaiah 41:10 3. Psalm 118:6
2. Psalm 56:9 4. Jeremiah 20:11

II. Christ Died for Us (v. 32-34)
A. It’s the ______________
1. Gives ___________________ over sin
2. We can have victory ______________________ (Gal. 2:20)
3. Walk in ______________________________________________
B. Four great doctrines:
1. Doctrine of substitution
a. He took our ___________________
b. Our sin debt is _____________________________
c. It means _________________________________________
2. Doctrine of __________________________________________
a. _________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________
3. Doctrine of __________________________________________
a. Ascension to _______________________
b. “Right hand” means ____________________________
4. Doctrine of _______________________________
a. He is our ______________________
b. He is our ___________________ in heaven
c. He is _________________________ for your welfare
d. He is ______________________ your needs
C. Because of what Christ has done, “God justifies us”
1. Brings _______________________________________________
2. We belong to _________________
3. No charge can be _____________________________________

III. Christ (God) Loves Us (v. 35-39)
These verses give us a reassurance of our _____________________
_______________ in Christ Jesus
A. Some think/believe that we can lose our salvation
1. __________________________ can rob us of our salvation
2. We put ____________________ out of God’s grace
3. _____________ will take away our salvation
4. __________________ can steal our salvation
5. ________________ will take away our salvation
6. _________________________ can take away our salvation
7. But the answer to each is _____________
B. Circumstances of life cannot separate you from Christ
1. Word “separate”- _____________________________________
2. Circumstances:
a. Tribulation e. Nakedness
b. Distress f. Peril
c. Persecution g. Sword
d. Famine
C. Powers that threaten our security
1. _______________________
2. _______________
3. Angels, principalities, ______________
4. Present and ________________
5. _______________ and depth
6. Any other created _________________