Sermon Notes June 16th

Livelystonesbc   -  

Sunday, June 16, 2024
10 Disciplines of a Godly Man
Proverbs 4:1-2

I. Introduction
A. Fathers are
1. Priests of the home- ___________________________
2. Providers- ___________________________________
3. Protectors- __________________________________
B. Examples of good fathers in the Bible:
1. Abraham- father of __________________
2. David- father of _______________________________
3. Father with __________________________________
C. Examples of bad fathers in the Bible:
1. Eli
2. Manasseh
3. Herod

II. 10 Disciplines of a Godly Man
A. Discipline of __________________ (Prov. 6:23-24)
B. Discipline of ________________________
1. Marriage- ___________________________________
2. Children- ____________________________________
3. Godly friend- _________________________________
C. Discipline of ___________ (Phil. 4:8)
D. Discipline of _________________________
1. Devoted to __________________________________
2. Devoted to __________________________________
E. Discipline of _______________________ (Ps. 15:4)
1. Convictions for what is ________________
2. Courage to do __________________
3. Clear ___________________
4. Conduct of ___________________________________

F. Discipline of __________________________ (James 1:26)
G. Discipline of __________________
H. Discipline of _________________________ (Heb. 12:1-3)
1. _________________
2. ____________
3. _______________
4. __________________
I. Discipline of __________________________ (Heb. 10:25)
J. Discipline of ___________________________ (II Cor. 8:5)

III. Conclusion: Paul says, “not I, but the grace of God that is
with me.” I Cor. 15:10