Sermon Notes 7/14/24

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Sunday, July 14, 2024
I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

John 14:1-6

I. Introduction:
A. The Disciples’ Condition:
1. Fear
2. Discouragement
3. Doubt
B. Outline of verses 1-6
1. The comfort of _________________________________
2. The person of the __________________________________________
3. The construction of _________________________________________
4. The coming again of ________________
5. The concerns of __________________
a. ________________________
b. ________________________
6. The pathway to ____________________
“I Am”- _____________________________________

II. I Am the Way (v. 6)
A. How can I be __________________?
1. If you want to go to Heaven, you have to go _____________________,
not your way
2. Culture says, ______________________________________________
3. Keyword “the” means _______________________________________
4. Word “way” means _________________________________________
B. “The way” to Heaven (Jesus) provides several benefits and blessings:
1. ______________________________________- safe in His hands
2. ______________________________________- calm, peace
3. _____________________________________- no confusion, solid rock
4. _____________________________________- simple message
5. ______________________________________- blueprint for living
III. I Am the Truth (v. 6)
A. How can I be sure I’m going to Heaven?
1. Truth means ____________________________
2. Jesus is the _____________________
B. He’s truth for us
1. He never sends, leads or calls us _______________________________
2. He never leads us to _____________________
3. He knows exactly what’s _____________________________________
4. He will never ______________________________________________
C. The truth benefits us
1. _____________________________________- everlasting life

2. _____________________________________- truth conquers evil
3. _____________________________________- God cannot lie
4. _____________________________________- Jesus completes us
5. _____________________________________- purifies
IV. I Am the Life (v. 6)
A. Life
1. _____________________ is the word for life
2. Means ___________________________________________________
B. Life is ________________