Sermon Notes 7/21/24

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Sunday, July 21, 2024
Being Stuck in Life
Matthew 11:28-30
We have a tendency to get stuck in life:
1. Stuck in _______________________
2. Stuck in _______________________
3. Stuck in the ____________________
4. Stuck in _______________________
5. Stuck in _______________________
6. Stuck in our ____________________
Look at Matthew 11:28-30:
1. Great ___________________________________________
2. Jesus _______________& _________________ about you
3. Jesus is saying, “__________________________________”
4. Jesus is saying, “__________________________________”
5. Jesus is saying, “__________________________________”
I. What keeps me from doing, believing, accepting Matt. 11:28-30?
A. ___________ will keep you from ____________________ that
you need help (Prov. 18:12)
1. Means: _________________________________________
2. Illustration: Daniel 5 Belshazzar’s party
3. Pride will keep you from doing ______________________
B. ______________ will keep you from taking the right direction
1. Psalm 40:12
a. Problems are _________________________________
b. Sins are too ___________________________________
c. You feel too __________________________________
2. You feel that God won’t ____________________________
Illustration: __________________ (John 21)
C. _____________ will hold you back
1. Are you afraid of what you might have to _____________?
2. Are you afraid of committing your ___________________?
a. Do you say- “I will _____________!”?
b. Learn to give __________________________________
3. Are you afraid of anyone __________________________?

a. ________________ are controlling you
b. ________________ are controlling you
c. _________________ are controlling you
d. _______________________ are controlling you
e. _____________________________ are controlling you
f. __________________ are controlling you
4. Real freedom is choosing who your ___________________
D. ___________ keeps you from experiencing the truth of peace
1. Know the difference between making a _______________
and __________________________
2. Today, make the decision to follow ___________, then you
will have ________________________________________
E. _______________ will hold you back
1. Do you say, “__________________________, my faith just
seems so ______________”? Illustration: Mark 9
2. Our prayer- “Help my _________________!”
3. Jesus said, “If you have faith the size of _______________

II. How Do I Take this Step?
A. Accept God’s Son as your __________________________
B. Accept God’s Word __________________________________
C. Accept God’s will ____________________________________
D. Accept God’s power __________________________________