Sermon notes 9/1/2024

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Sunday, September 1, 2024
Enslavement to Sin
Romans 1:18-32

I. The _________________________________________ of God (v. 18-20)
Whether you like it or not, you and I are __________________________
A. Disclosure
1. “Wrath of God” (v. 18)
2. “Ungodliness”- _______________________________________
3. “Unrighteousness”- ____________________________________
4. “Manifest”- __________________________________________
B. _____________________________ (v. 19-20)
1. __________________________- within we know there is a God
2. ____________________ (v. 20); nature has a _______________
that declares the glory of God

II. The ________________ and _____________________________ (v. 21)
A. See the ______________________________________
B. Why are we here? ________________________________________
C. “Vain”- _________________________________________________
III. The __________________________________ (v. 22)
A. Man comes up with his own ________________________________
B. God says they are ________________________
IV. The _______________________________ (v. 23, 25)
A. This is __________________________
B. “Changed the glory of God”- ________________________________
C. The progression of idolatry is a ______________________________
1. Man is listed _________________________________________
2. Birds- _______________________________________________
3. Four-footed beasts- ___________________________________
4. Creeping things- ______________________________________
5. “Changed” is mate less which means ______________________
V. The _________________________________ of the Body (v. 24)
A. Man is guilty of ____________________________
1. Man can do as he wants with ____________________________
2. Called _______________________________________________

B. Three words that describe their sensual life:
1. _____________________ 2. ____________________
3. _____________________
C. Sexual “freedom” results are:
1. _____________________ 2. ____________________
3. _____________________ 4. ____________________
VI. The _______________________________ (v. 26-28)
A. Affections- ______________________________________________
B. Leaving- ________________________________________________
VII. The __________________ of Wickedness (v. 29-32)
A. God can be completely __________________________ of one’s life
B. Character- _______________________
C. Conduct- _______________________________________________
D. Conversation- ____________________________________________
E. Companionship- __________________________________________
F. Verse 32 is one of the saddest verses in the Bible
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________