Sermon Notes Feb. 16th 2025
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Building Blocks of Marriage
I Peter 3:1-7
II. Getting Along with ___________________________ (v. 1-7)
A. The wife is the ______________ of the home (v. 1-6)
1. Her attitude of _______________ to her own husband
a. Key to submission is first being submitted to _____
b. Submission is not ___________________________
2. “Chaste” means to be ____________ from all fault
3. ___________________ and ______________ for God
4. Her dress (adorning) is not trying to _______________
________________ to herself
5. Attitude as a woman of ________________________
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________
B. The husband’s _________________ toward his wife:
1. "Dwell" means to _____________________________
2. Be considerate- _________________
3. He is to be cooperative by ________________ his wife
a. Honor means: _____________________________
b. We honor by ______________________________
c. We lead & oversee the _________________ of our
4. Husband is to be _________________
a. "Hindered"- the idea of ______________________
b. Means God will not _________________________
____________ if you ________________ your wife
III. Behavior Toward Each Other- Being a _________________
(Gal. 5:13)
A. Serving each other will help create:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
B. An example is _____________
1. ____________________: be united with Christ
2. ____________________: get rid of selfish ambition
3. ____________________: humility
4. ______________: consider others more than yourself
5. ____________________: Jesus took the lowest role
6. ____________________: Jesus was obedient to serve
C. Change your _________________ toward each other
1. Change _____________ first
2. Add loving behaviors:
a. Not _________________________
b. Not _________________________
c. Not _________________________