Sermon Notes Jan 7th
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Giving to Grow
II Corinthians 8:1-5; 9:6-8
1. Giving should be a _______________________________
of each Christian
2. Giving should be __________________________ on the
part of the Christian
3. Giving should flow out of a ________________________
to serve a God we love
I. Gave ____________________________________ (8:3-5)
A. Should we ________________________ to the Lord?
Surrender __________________________________?
Sacrifice ___________________________________?
1. God has a right to your ____________
2. He has the _________________ to take all of it!
B. Points:
1. We ______________________________________
2. Everything we have ________________________
a. Participating ___________________________
II. __________________________ of your love (8:8-9)
A. Giving is not something the _____________________
______________________________ forces you to do
B. Give love to _________________________________
1. Example in verse 9
2. Point: I give because ________________________
and _____________________________________
3. Giving is a ____________________________ (9:7)
III. Give __________________________________ (8:11-12)
A. Starts with a _________________________________
1. In your mind, are you ___________________ and
________________________ to give to the Lord?
B. God doesn’t expect you to give everything so you
have nothing
1. Give according to what God has ______________
you with
IV. Principle of ________________________________ (9:6)
A. Four principles involved in sowing & reaping:
1. We reap what we ______________
2. We reap more than we ____________
3. We reap in ________________ to how we sow
4. We reap after we ___________
B. Luke 6:38
V. Purpose of ___________________ (9:7)
A. Every man- __________________________________
1. Giving is a ___________________________ as well
as a ________________________________ (8:12)
2. “Heart moved by God”
B. Not _____________________ or ________________
VI. ________________________ of Grace Giving (9:8-9)
A. God is _______________
1. ____________________ to believe that if I give,
2. God is able to use your gift and _____________ it