Feb 11th Sermon Notes
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Discipline of God
Jonah 1:4-16
Introduction: The storm is upon them
1. _______________ of the captain
2. _____________________ of the cause of the storm
3. _______________________ of Jonah
4. _______________________________ for the storm
5. _______________________ of the sailors
6. _______________ to the Sovereign
7. _______________ sea stops
8. _____________________ for the Savior
IV. Discipline of Jonah (Psalm 118:18)
A. Causes of back-sliding:
1. Giving in to our _______________________
a. We all have ___________________________________
b. How can we be victorious over our weaknesses?
1) Be ________________________________________
2) Recognize our ______________________________
3) Be on _______________________
4) Avoid the __________________________________
5) Ask for ____________________________________
2. Placing the ________________ above the _____________
a. Means _______________________ with earthly things
b. How can we overcome?
1) Seek first the _______________________________
2) Maintain a proper __________________ (Phil. 3:20)
3) We are here to ______________________ everyday
3. Taking our blessings for ____________________________
a. We forget about the God who ____________________
b. How can we overcome?
1) Remember and _________________
2) Count your ___________________
3) Learn to _______________________________
B. Child of God receiving the discipline of God
Does God discipline His children?
1. The answer to that question is __________! (Heb. 12:5-11)
2. Here we find a negative and a positive to the discipline of
the Lord __________________________
C. Chastisement Procedures
1. Comfortable ______________________
2. Clear ___________________
3. Common ______________
4. Condition of _______________
5. Companionship of ______________________
Examples: _____________________________
6. Ceasing of _____________________ and ______________
7. Cessation of ___________________