Sermon notes 5/17/2024

Livelystonesbc   -  

Sunday, May 19, 2024
Nine Deadly D’s of the Devil
Ephesians 6:11, 12; I Peter 5:8

Introduction: If I were the devil, what would I do?
I. The Activities of Satan
A. He __________________ God
B. He sows _____________ among God’s people
C. He ______________ false doctrine
D. He ________________ the Word of God
E. He _________________ the works of God’s servants
F. He __________ the prayers of God’s servants (Dan. 10:12, 13)
G. He _______________ the Word of God from men’s hearts
H. He _________________ Christians before God
I. He ______________
J. He _________________
K. He __________________
L. He ________________________________________________

II. Satan’s Limitations
A. He is not _________________________
B. He is not _________________________
C. He is not _________________________

III. Deadly D’s of the Devil
A. _________________________
Things that disappoint us:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
B. _________________________
C. _________________________
1. No hope is to forget Psalm 1:1-3
2. How to overcome it:
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________

d. _____________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________
f. _____________________________________________
g. _____________________________________________
D. _________________________
Four antidotes to doubt:
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. _________________
4. ________________________
E. _________________________ (Matt. 14:30)
F. _________________________
G. _________________________ (Heb. 5:12-14)
Marks of spiritual immaturity:
1. Dullness toward the ______________
2. Inability to ______________
3. A baby ___________________________
4. Unskillful is using the ________________
H. _________________________
How it begins:
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ____________________
I. _________________________
Tragic results of disobedience:
1. ______________ God & the Holy Spirit
2. _________________ our faith
3. ______________ a poor testimony
4. Make wrong _________________
5. Lose your ___________

Conclusion: What can we do?
1. __________________ Satan
2. Plead the ______________________________
3. Claim the victory in __________________