Sermon notes 8/4/2024
- Sunday, August 4, 2024
Following the Teacher (Rabbi) Jesus
Matthew 4:18-22
1. The key word in verses 20 & 22 is ____________________
2. They believed that this man, Jesus Christ, was a first
century ______________
a. Rabbi= _______________________________________
b. Taught the Torah- ______________________________
I. Jesus Thinks We Can ____________________________________
A. Who were these men? They were ______________________
B. They were not ______________________________________
C. Why would Jesus choose them?
1. Jesus saw their _______________
2. Point: If you follow Him, ____________________________
II. Who Was Jesus of Nazareth?
A. Jesus had a _______________________
B. His message was _____________________________________
1. Remember, Rabbis had ____________________________
2. His message was of _______________________________
C. “Follow ___________, not ____________________________”
1. John 14:12
2. Jesus offered a ________________________
3. He changes how you live ___________________________
III. This Rabbi Wants Us To ______________________________
A. Great Invitation
1. Come and _______________________________
2. Invitation given to _____________
B. Follow ____________
1. To follow Jesus is to keep your ______________________
2. To follow Jesus means we __________________________
3. Point: _______________ and _______________ the life of
Jesus everyday of our lives
C. Calling
1. It’s not you, about you, or what you can do
2. He’s doing the ___________________________________
3. Promise- ________________________________________
4. Acts 17:6
Conclusion: Three Thoughts-
1. Sur
2. Immediately
3. Come and follow