Sermon Notes 8/25/24

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Sunday, August 25, 2024
Who is Christ in Your Life?
Philippians 1:21

Introduction: Everyone lives for ______________________________
A. Paul’s statement-
1. About this life: “For me to live ______________________”
2. About that life: “but to die is _______________”
B. What are you living for?
1. _______________ and ________________________?
2. _____________________?
3. _____________________?
4. _____________________?
5. _____________________?
I. Jesus is the __________________________________ (Phil. 4:11)
Define source: _________________________________________
A. The cause of Paul’s life was ____________________________
B. Making Jesus the source involves 3 things:
1. “Not that I ______________________________________”
a. I am not _____________________________________
b. Word want is the idea of ________________________
2. “I have _____________________” (Rom. 8:29)
a. It is a ___________________
b. It is a __________________________________
3. “Therewith to be _____________________”
a. To be completely ______________________________
b. My circumstances don’t _________________________

II. _________________ of my Life (Phil. 4:4)
A. Notice: A person is to rejoice ___________________
1. Paul learned that in the atmosphere of rejoicing in the
Lord, ___________________________________ (Acts 16)
2. Rejoicing runs away _______________________________
B. Always means- ______________________________________

III. _________________ of my Life (Phil. 4:13)
The basic meaning of this verse is __________________________
_____________________________________________ (Acts 17:6)
A. “I can do” means ______________________ (Isaiah 40:29-31)
B. Strength that comes from _____________________________