Sermon Notes 9/15

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Sunday, September 15, 2024
Nehemiah: How Do We Handle Bad News?

Nehemiah 1:1-3

Introduction: Nehemiah receives some __________________ (v. 2-3)
A. History:
1. Israel is in _______________________________________
2. Jerusalem has been _______________________
3. The temple has been ______________________
B. This book will deal with relevant subjects:
1. What does God want me ______________?
2. Recognizing ______________________________________
3. Leadership: ______________________________________
4. Dealing with _____________________________________
5. How to have a ____________________________________
C. Nehemiah served as a ________________ in the Persian court
D. Nehemiah was a man of _______________________________

I. The ______________ of Sad News (v. 1-3)
A. ___________________ of Nehemiah
1. He was in the _______________
2. _______________________ of Nehemiah:
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
d. _______________________
B. ______________________ presented to Nehemiah (v. 2-3)
1. Visit from his _____________________________________
2. Inquiries about ___________________________________
3. Report:
a. Reproach- ____________________________________
b. Rubble of the _______________
c. Gates _______________________

II. The _________________________ of Nehemiah (v. 4)
A. ____________________
1. He was __________________________
2. It was his broken heart that _________________________
3. What has broken your heart?
a. __________________ b. __________________
c. __________________ d. __________________
4. Nehemiah _________; this is the first true _____________
B. Nehemiah has a burden that won’t let him __________
1. A true burden will promote ________________
2. Effects of burdens:
a. Summon us to ________________
b. Steer our heart towards the _____________
c. Soften our _______________
d. Seek God’s ___________________________________
e. Cause us to ___________________________________

III. The _____________________ of Nehemiah (v. 5-11)
A. His prayer- acrostic letters “ACTS”
1. __________________ God by _______________________
2. ___________________ of sin
3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________
B. Prayer-plan for this new church year:
1. Pray to ________________
2. Pray to __________________
3. Pray for ________________________
4. Pray for ________________________