Sermon notes 11/11/2024

Livelystonesbc   -  

Sunday, November 10, 2024
Soldiers for Jesus
II Timothy 2:3-4

I. Endure Hardness (v. 3)
A. “Endure hardness” means to:
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
B. I Peter 4:12-19
1. Don’t be ___________________ when you suffer for Jesus
2. _______________________ when you can suffer for Jesus
3. ______________________________ when people criticize
4. __________________________________ when you suffer
as a Christ-follower
5. God’s will does permit us to __________________
C. Hardness (v. 3) means:
1. The ________________ are raging
2. ____________________ in battle
3. ____________________________
4. __________________
5. But we don’t ______________!
D. Good soldier (v. 3)
1. Refers to ________________________________________
2. Armor of God (Eph. 6:10-20)
a. _________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. _________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ________________________________
f. _____________________________________________
g. _______________________________
II. Entanglement (v. 4) means- ________________________
A. What is entangling you?
1. Whatever you love ________________________________
is what entangles you in your fight for Jesus

2. Are you all ________________________ with distractions?
B. Distractions are ____________________
1. ________________________________________________
2. Distractions- _____________________________________
3. Jesus said,
a. “Seek _______________________________________”
b. I John 2:15 “Love ______________________________”
c. If you gain ____________________________________

III. Enlistment
A. Enlist means:
1. Surrender _____________________
2. In the ____________________________
3. You are told ______________________________
B. Desire to please Him
1. Enoch _________________________________
2. I want to _______________________________
C. How to please our Commanding Officer
1. _____________________________ (I Thess. 4:1)
2. ____________________ (Heb. 11:6)
3. _____________________________________ (Heb. 13:16)