Sermon Notes 12/22/24

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Matthew’s Account of Christmas
Matthew 1:1, 18, 19, 21, 23

IV. The Names of the Child (v. 16-18, 21, 24-25)
A. Many names describe His _____________________________
1. His ___________ names
2. Isaiah 9:6 mentions a few significant names:
a. Wonderful Counselor- no ________________________
b. Mighty God – no _______________________________
c. Father of eternity- no ___________________________
d. Prince of peace- no ____________________________
1) Peace ____________ God (Rom. 1:7)
2) Peace ____________ God (Rom. 5:1)
3) Peace ____________ God (Phil. 4:7)

B. Matthew’s account of His names
1. Christ- __________________________________________
a. Recognizes Him as _____________________________
1) _______________________________
2) _______________________________
3) _______________________________
4) _______________________________
b. Anointed Christ will be:
1) ____________________
2) ____________________
3) ____________________
2. Jesus- __________________________________________
a. Carries the idea of deliverance from a ______________
b. Idea was to “save His people ____________________”
1) Saves from the _______________ of sin
2) Saves from the ____________________ of sin
3) Saves from the ________________ of sin
4) Saves from the ______________________ of sin
3. Immanuel- ______________________________________
a. Relationship- we are ___________________________
b. Immanuel means He ___________________________
c. We will ________________ with Him