Feb 9 25 Sermon notes
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Building Blocks of Marriage
I Peter 3:1-7
A. We all desire to have a __________ and _______________ marriage
1. A home that will survive the ___________________ of life
2. A home that will survive the _________________ of our enemy
3. A home that will survive the pressures & ________ of the world
B. Background
1. Roman culture: women were to perform 3 functions-
a. ___________
b. ______________
c. ___________________
2. Problem- husband & wife's ______________ toward each other
3. Being married to a _________________ and what to do about it
I. Building Blocks of _____________
A. Misconceptions about love:
1. ________________ equals love
2. Your lover should meet all your _______________
3. Once love dies, you cannot ______________________________
4. Love _____________________ all
5. When things get tough, you have the _______________ partner
6. Your love should always make you _________________
7. Once in love, you stay on a ______________________________
8. Love is a __________________ that needs to exist at all times
B. We all should know that loving your mate is…
1. A _______________ everyday
2. A ____________ in progress everyday
3. __________________________________
C. The four stages of love: God
1. The _____________________ stage
2. The __________________________ stage
3. The _________________________ stage
4. The __________________ stage
D. Secret to having a loving relationship (Matt. 22:37-40)
II. Getting Along with _______________________________ (v. 1-7)
A. The wife is the ______________ of the home (v. 1-6)
1. Her attitude of ______________________ to her own husband
a. Key to submission is first being submitted to ___________
b. Submission is not ______________________________
2. “Chaste” means to be ____________ from all fault
3. ____________________ and ________________ for God
4. Her dress (adorning) is not trying to __________________
________________ to herself
5. Attitude as a woman of ____________________________
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________
B. The husband’s attitude toward his wife:
1. "Dwell" means to ___________________________________
2. Be considerate- _________________
3. He is to be cooperative by ___________________ his wife
a. Honor means: _________________________________
b. We honor by ______________________________________
c. We lead and oversee the ________________ of our families
4. Husband is to be _________________
a. "Hindered"- the idea of _____________________________
b. Means God will not ________________________________
if you __________________ your wife
III. Behavior Toward Each Other- Being a _________________ (Gal. 5:13)
A. Serving each other will help create:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
B. An example is _____________
1. ____________________: be united with Christ
2. ____________________: get rid of selfish ambition
3. ____________________: humility
4. ____________________: consider others more than yourself
5. ____________________: Jesus took the lowest role
6. ____________________: Jesus was obedient to serve God
C. Change your behavior toward each other
1. Change ______________________ first
2. Add loving behaviors:
a. Not _________________________
b. Not _________________________
c. Not _________________________